My Demonstration Store
We've changed our demonstration store for good! We're giving you the full My Honesty Box experience with the option
to donate to our current charity. Use our demonstration store to figure out how this thing works. We think it's
pretty straight forward but we know new technology isn't always easy to absorb.

The charity we are currently supporting is Auckland City Mission. Auckland City Mission is a Registered
Charitable Trust and people come to the Mission for many different reasons;
some are isolated elderly, others are rough sleepers or people living in cars and inappropriate housing. Still others are battling addictions, living with
mental health issues, or struggling to feed their families over a period of unexpected crisis.
If you complete a payment using our demonstration store we'll donate the money you've paid, less the fee our payment providers charge, to Auckland City Mission.
Use our mobile app (Apple App Store or
Google Play)
to scan the QR Code and we'll bring you a store full of items the Mission needs to stock their emergency food parcels. Select one or more
items, tap through to the payment page, and if you choose to complete your order we'll ensure the Mission receives the money you've donated.
- Selecting items is simple. Tap the number next to the item you want to purchase (or in this case donate). To purchase more of the same, keep tapping the
number. We'll keep track of how many you want to buy.
- If you selected too many items, on iOS devices tap and slide left to reset the counter to zero, on Android tap and
hold — a button will appear at the top of the screen to let you clear the counter.
- You can learn a little more about the vendor by tapping on the name of the store - the information displayed is provided by each vendor.
- You can also learn more about individual items by tapping on the item name, again dependent on what the vendor has provided.
- When you've selected everything you want to purchase, tap through to the payment options.
Currently we provide two options, one for internet banking and one for credit/debit cards. The banks we support for internet banking are determined
by our payment provider POLi; if your bank isn't available then a credit/debit card is your payment option.
- Tap Pay Now to complete the payment for your purchases. We'll take you to a payment page where you can
complete the payment.
- Just to be clear, if you complete a payment using our demonstration store, we will subtract the fee charged by
the chosen payment provider and send the balance to our current charity, along with a list of the items you have paid for.
- We hope you enjoy using My Honesty Box to support your local businesses and access the best of the local produce,
services, and experiences in your community.